Photography by Michael Singman-Aste

Home    Portfolio    Bio    News    Statement    Links

postdiluvian = modern; not antiquated

Links to artists I admire and organizations I support. There is no affiliation between myself and these sites, and I make no warranty as to their content, yada yada yada.


Gary Comoglio Edward Weston Michael Tunk Robert Mapplethorpe Jan Watten
Man Ray Dickson Schneider Loretta Lux Barbara Kruger Richard Avedon
d'Arci Bruno
Diane Arbus Robert Longo Gabriele Bungardt Jay Watson
Linda Kramer Annie Leibovitz Jamie Watson Banksy Deborah Griffin

Museums and Galleries

Frank Bette Center for the Arts

Rhythmix Cultural Works Estuary Art Attack Julie's Tea
Modern Eden Gallery Autobody Fine Art
Creative Framing REDUX
The Frick Collection
The Frick Collection
de Young Museum SFMOMA
Alameda Museum